Here we will show you the total current price of the stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). In other words, we will calculate the price you would have to pay to buy one of every stock in the "Dow."
Note that the total price of every stock in the Dow is not the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average. However, you need to enter the DJIA in the box below to calculate the total cost of purchasing one of each stock. If you don't know the current Dow Jones Industrial Average, then click here to get an estimate.
In addition to seeing the total price of all stocks based on today's DJIA, you can also enter "what-if" values to see how much you would have to pay if the DJIA goes up or down. It is also interesting to enter DJIA values from the past, so you can see how little you would have had to pay then compared to now!
You may also be interested to know that if you were to buy one of each stock in the DJIA, you would only need to buy 30 different stocks. Here are the stocks in the DJIA:
3M Co (MMM)
Amazon.com Inc (AMZN)
American Express Co (AXP)
Amgen Inc (AMGN)
Apple Inc (AAPL)
Boeing Co (BA)
Caterpillar Inc (CAT)
Chevron Corp (CVX)
Cisco Systems Inc (CSCO)
Coca-Cola Co (KO)
Dow Inc (DOW)
Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS)
Home Depot Inc (HD)
Honeywell International Inc (HON)
Intel Corp (INTC)
International Business Machines Corp (IBM)
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM)
McDonald’s Corp (MCD)
Merck & Co Inc (MRK)
Microsoft Corp (MSFT)
Nike Inc (NKE)
Procter & Gamble Co (PG)
Salesforce Inc (CRM)
Travelers Companies Inc (TRV)
Unitedhealth Group Inc (UNH)
Verizon Communications Inc (VZ)
Visa Inc (V)
Walmart Inc (WMT)
Walt Disney Co (DIS)
You can buy one of each of these stocks and make your own little private Dow Jones Industrial Index Fund! Happy investing!
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