Welcome to the Price per c to Price per oz Calculator, also known as the Price per Cup to Price per Ounce Calculator. This calculator can calculate and convert the price per cup to the price per ounce.
In other words, you know the price of something per cup (c), and you want to know what the price would be per ounce (oz).
A cup is an more than an ounce, which means that the price per c will always be more than the price per oz. The formula to calculate price per c ($/c) to price per oz ($/oz) is shown here:
$/c × 0.125 = $/oz
No need to get your calculator out! Simply enter the price per c ($/c) in the box below to convert it to price per oz ($/oz).
Here are some examples of what our Price per c to Price per oz Calculator can convert and calculate for you.
$1.99 price per c to price per oz
$2.99 price per c to price per oz
3.99 price per c to price per oz
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